Valorización de recursos en espacios naturales

Áreas de cooperación: 
Persona de contacto: 
Javier Soto Vázquez
Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Junta de Andalucía
(+ 34) 955 405 161
Avenida Manuel Siurot, 50. Casa Sundheim
Código Postal: 
Región (NUT II): 
Palabras clave: 
Valorización, promoción, recursos naturales, productos tradicionales, espacios naturales
Coste total del proyecto (indicativo): 
1.000.000,00 €
Calendario (indicativo): 
01.07.16 - 30.06.18
Socios ya implicados: 
Consejería de Turismo y Comercio de la Junta de Andalucía. Fundación ANDANATURA
Origen geográfico de los socios que busca: 
Algarve - Alentejo
Perfil de los socios que busca: 
- Protected areas and local, regional and/or national authorities responsible for protected areas development - Local Action Groups - Development agencies / foundations related to sustainable development in protected areas
Descripción del proyecto: 
From an environmental point of view, the Algarve-Alentejo-Andalusia (AAA) Euroregion presents important landscape, historical, cultural and natural values which represent one of the major advantages of the territory. However, management of this heritage needs for joint cross-border solutions to hazards and risks that threaten wealth creation. Balancing preservation and protection of natural and cultural heritage and promoting sustainable socioeconomic development is a major challenge for protected areas. It not only means to make optimal use of natural resources and maintain ecological processes and biodiversity, but also to respect the socio-cultural authenticity of local communities, and to provide socioeconomic benefits to local population and stakeholders. The general objective of the project is to identify and promote traditional and natural products/services related to the territory (protected areas) on the basis of their contribution to regional development. To that aim the project envisages the exchange experience and cooperation implementating a single policy strategy for natural, gastronomic and cultural resources and increasing the number of visitors and overnight stays. Main activities: WP 1. STRATEGIC PLANNING OF TERRITORIAL RESOURCES - Identification of key territorial resources to be promoted - Research work on territorial resources development potential - Strategy to promote traditional products / services of protected areas WP 2. STIMULATING TERRITORIES - Identification and awareness raising activities aimed at local businesses - Capacity building activities - Networking: transboundary routes – circuits – partnership – marketing - Promoting and strengthening activities related to territorial quality labels such as Parque Natural de Andalucía WP 3. PROMOTION ACTIVITIES - Cross-border promotion activities (workshops, seminars, markets, tastings, fairs, local markets and short distribution channels) - Use of ICT to improve information provided to visitors - Social media WP 4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION WP 5. COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES
Objetivos principales: 
The objective of the project is to exchange experience and cooperate in the implementation of a single policy strategy to promote sustainable local development through natural, gastronomic and cultural resources in protected areas and increase the number of visitors and overnight stays. That is, conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage of protected areas and therefore contribute to socioeconomic and sustainable growth.
Resultados previstos: 
•To support sustainable socioeconomic development of protected areas •To increase the number of visitors and overnight stays •To help green jobs creation and growth •To promote partnerships and marketing networks

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Contactos POCTEP

Contactos 2014-2020  |  Contactos 2007-2013

  • (+34) 924 20 59 58
  • Edificio Montevideo | C/ Ángel Quintanilla Ulla n°1, portal 3 | Entreplanta B, 06011, Badajoz